Minimum Threshold for past due amount warning


Sometime customers send a payment that might be a dollar short or a penny short; when the customers gets a notification that their service is past due or worse terminated for a very low amount; we have received some rather harsh criticism. We would like to set a minimum threshold before customers get those messages.


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I will agree with this. We've had customers that were shut off for just one penny. If I agree with the 98% idea. It's horrid when a customer spends let's say $1,000.00 and pays $999.99 of it and gets shut off.

Another thing to add to this suggestion is to have a report that is sent to us about people who are being shut off or in danger of. The only way to do it now is to be a Blind Copy on the account and hope that you catch it.



How about the customer pays 98% of their balance due, what a concept right?

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